Coach Michael Roth has a Masters of Science degree in Physical Education and is certified by USA Track & Field as a Level 2 Track & Field Coach in the areas of Endurance and Youth. He has over 30 years experience coaching all events with an emphasis in the Race Walk. Athletes under his guidance have earned over 50 National Championships & 160 All-American awards. In addition, they have set over 10 US National Records as well. Coach Roth is also fully compliant with the SafeSport Training and Background Check requirements from the US Olympic & Paralympic Committee.

Coaching services are available for athletes of all ages and ability levels. From beginners to professionals, youth through masters. There is a plan that can help you improve your fitness and racing performance. All coaching is communicated through an app called Final Surge, which is available free to athletes.
To inquire about Coaching, send a message to Coach Roth. Individualized plans, which can include strength training components, are available for everyone and are priced reasonably to meet your budget.
Coaching plans begin at 3 months in length, as that is what is required for your body to adapt properly to even begin to see gains in fitness. Longer commitments are recommended, especially if you are properly training for races well in advance of the competition date. Races of 10km through 20km / half marathon should anticipate a 6-9 month commitment and if your goal is longer than that, 9-12 months will be necessary to get you to the finish with minimal risk & maximum rewards.