Rebecca Garson will be making her annual trip out west to participate in the Portland to Coast Relay. Joining her for the first time is Andrea Easterday. Their team, Rockbottoms Racewalk Team, is annually one of the top finishers in the Walking division. 2022 should be no different. Rebecca will be taking legs 13, 22 & 31 of the relay. Andrea will be doing legs 14, 23 & 32.
This is the most popular and largest running and walking relay race in the world, annually drawing participants from over 40 countries and all 50 states. Known as the Mother of All Relays, the event takes 8 to 12 member relay teams 198 miles or 128 miles (from Portland) from the iconic top of Mount Hood to the beaches of the Pacific Ocean. The event has sold-out for 30 straight years and on lottery opening day for 23 consecutive years!
Follow the race progress:
DATE: August 26-27, 2022 | Start Times range from 3AM-6:45AM